Our Hotel clients are ensuring the satisfaction of their guest throughout their stay. To have a relaxing atmosphere,
People in Dubai love shopping with their families, friends and colleague. As what the Survey said,
Solutions Valet Parking is the right job for Entertainment Venues like Concerts, Mall shows, and Sports Events.
Solutions valet parking has provided a value-added, concierge approach to events parking services. We understand that today's events facilities are expected to provide a positive, Our concierge approach, coupled with our unique specific training program ensures that visitors and guests feel comfortable from the moment they arrive. For your valet parking customer, the overall experience begins at the curb. Your establishment's greeting begins outside with what the valet parking customer sees, hears, and feels upon arrival.
Our role is to receive customer car at airport and park it in our parking premise. Take care of it while he is away where customers feel comfortable leaving their vehicles. We will deliver it back at airport after we got a confirmation from him by email, SMS, Phone Call or even fax. The customer will get a warm greeting.
This will ensure that our customer returns, because he/she feels confident and trusts our service.